Through consensus-building and coordination, the board will create a leadership framework for the collective actions of workforce providers. The board will serve as the repository of valid objective, factual, information on workforce issues in the Merrimack Valley. The board will demonstrate the integrity to serve as impartial convener, broker, and manager of relationships.


Employers and residents in the region have a foundation from which they have the opportunity to achieve sustained economic growth and prosperity.


We measure all defined outcomes.

We are able to back up everything we say.

We communicate without hidden agendas or competitive exclusiveness.

We are held accountable for impartial decisions and desired measurable results through continuous improvement.

Our constituency groups understand what the workforce board is and why it benefits their communities.

The WIB provides opportunities for quality links between the workplace, the workforce, and the community.

The WIB is committed to form proactive partnerships with other community organizations that contribute to the collective vision through involved and dedicated board members.

The WIB supports and insists on the creation of lifelong learning resources in the region.

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View a list of our board of directors and search through organizational documents and archives below.

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