Prospective WIOA Title I training providers must apply for course eligibility approval status for their programs electronically utilizing TrainingPro, an on-line training provider registration and course application program.  It is designed to enable prospective providers to simultaneously apply for course approval for the following;

  • WIOA Title I Individual Training Accounts (ITAs)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs (TAA)
  • Training Opportunities Program (TOP/Section 30)

Training vendors can access TrainingPro at Division of Career Services and Division of Unemployment Assistance – Registration. Any questions you have regarding entering information into TrainingPro can be addressed to the TrainingPro Help Desk at 617-626-5003.

ITA vendors must be licensed or accredited by an organization such as the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE), MA Board of Higher Education, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) or other recognized accrediting agencies.

The MassHire Merrimack Valley Workforce Board requires performance information to be entered. Local performance standards require 80% completion rate for the course, 75% entered employment rate, and Massachusetts minimum wage as the average hourly rate for placement. If you do not have performance information at this point and have not run a similar program in the past, you can justify that by stating that the course is new in Training Pro, but you will then need to start tracking performance information. After courses have been entered in Training Pro, please inform Abby Seripais. Ms. Seripais can be reached at either 978-360-1354 or She will then review your information. If your courses are approved, she will pass along the information to the MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center so they are aware of the new training courses and can begin to refer appropriate candidates.

Related Links

Read over the Employer Fact Sheet and DOL Quick Start Guide today for more information on how to start an apprenticeship.

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